New Year Revolution: Our 2019 Mantra
Happy New Year! TEMA Athletics has no resolutions to share but we encourage you to join our self-love revolution. This year let’s learn to love our bodies regardless of size, shape, or weight. Let’s find ways to move our bodies that bring us JOY! Let’s fuel our bodies with wholesome food that makes us feel good from the inside out without strict rules, guilt, and restrictions. This time of the year it is easy to get caught up in quick fixes, fasts, diet fads, and brutal workouts. These activities don’t bring about long term changes because they are not sustainable. Start a revolution and say NO to the diet industry. Say NO to the body shaming, food shaming, and self-loathing. It is time instead to celebrate your body and all of the amazing that’s what it can do. We can’t wait for all of the adventures 2019 will bring! Will you join us?